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Suddenly There Aren’t Enough Babies. The Whole World Is Alarmed.

The world is at a startling demographic milestone. Sometime soon, the global fertility rate will drop below the point needed to keep population constant. It may have already happened. Fertility is falling almost everywhere, for women across all levels of income, education and labor-force participation. The falling birthrates come with huge implications for the way people live, how economies grow and the standings of the world’s superpowers.


Date: May 13, 2024

Author(s): Greg Ip and Janet Adamy

Publisher: Wall Street Journal

The World Is Struggling to Manage Its Aging Population

Call it baby bust and oldster boom — two trends that signal a demographic transformation without precedent in human history. In much of the world, declining birth rates and longer life spans are combining to create a phenomenon demographers call global aging. It brings both problems and opportunities that are hard to fathom and require rethinking the way societies are organized and economies are run.


Date: Jun 21, 2021

Author(s): Bernd Debusmann

Publisher: News Decoder

A Midlife Crisis Takes Shape in the US:
A Country Obsessed with Youth Must Grapple with Its Declining Birth Rates

Demographics is destiny. For decades, America has enjoyed the economic and geopolitical fruits of its high birth rate. Between 1990 and 2010, fertility levels in the US were higher than the average for any developed country with the exception of Israel, Iceland and New Zealand. So what does it mean that the US birth rate is on track to plunge below the recent trend rate of Europe?


Date: May 16, 2021

Author(s): Rana Foroohar

Publisher: Financial Times

Retirement: Better, But Still Cause for Concern (in Portuguese)

Poucos brasilieros investem em planos de previcênica: apenas 14% do total da populacão economicamente ativa. Mas um estudo do Global Aging Institute...mostra que alguns estão em situacão pior.

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Date: Apr 18, 2018

Author(s): Exame

Publisher: Exame, Brazil

Retirement Savings Expert Says Australian System Is Best in World

Gold Coast retirees are set to see their incomes boosted by the world’s most robust retirement savings system. That is the view of Richard Jackson, president of the Global Aging Institute, who spoke at the Association of Superannuation Funds of Australia conference at the Gold Coast Convention and Exhibition Centre yesterday.

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Date: Nov 10, 2016

Author(s): Alister Thomson

Publisher: The Currier Mail, Australia

Interview with Global Aging Institute President Richard Jackson: “The Chilean Pension Model Is the Correct One, but the Results Are Not Satisfactory” (in Spanish)

Desde junio pasado que el debate sobre el sistema de pensiones chileno ha ganado cada vez más espacio en nuestro país… En este marco, Richard Jackson, fundador y presidente del Global Aging Institute, un centro de investigación sin fines de lucro y organización educativa dedicada a mejorar la comprensión del envejecimiento mundial, analiza la situación actual del sistema, señalando que la necesidad de realizar una reforma es crítica cuando los incentivos para la contribución y las mismas pensiones se hacen insuficientes al llegar a la edad de jubilación.

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Date: Oct 17, 2016

Author(s): Catalina Göpel

Publisher: Pulso, Chile

Seven Questions for Richard Jackson (in Portuguese)

Ou o Brasil muda o sistema de previdência ou poderá ter uma população de idosos pobres, segundo um dos maiores especialistas do mundo em aposendatoria.

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Date: Sep 16, 2015

Author(s): Patrícia Valle

Publisher: Exame, Brazil

Pursuing a Pension Panacea

The issues of increasing longevity and a rapidly ageing population continue to bog Asia and its governments alike. But while consumers’ awareness of retirement planning and security is improving, progress on pension reforms remains slow. What gives?

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Date: Sep 01, 2015

Author(s): Dawn Sit

Publisher: Asia Insurance Review

Richard Jackson: “The Basic Chilean Pension Model is the Right One to Meet the Aging Challenge” (in Spanish)

Hacia 2025, México será casi tan viejo como Estados Unidos, y Brasil, Chile, China y Tailandia serán aún más viejos. Esa es una de las más impactantes proyecciones del informe titulado “Envejecimiento Global y la Seguridad Previsional en las Economías Emergentes”, que presenta hoy en Chile, Richard Jackson, presidente del Global Aging Institute, en una conferencia organizada por Cámara de Norteamericana de Comercio (Amcham).

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Date: Aug 12, 2015

Author(s): Pablo Jamett

Publisher: Pulso, Chile

Other Media Coverage


Happy Saturday and welcome to a Deep Dive into the colossal population shifts around the world, and what they'll mean for future generations, economies and politics.


Date: Jul 21, 2018

Author(s): Mike Allen

Publisher: AXIOS AM

The Explicator—Richard Jackson, President of the Global Aging Institute:
Voluntary Pensions in Emerging Markets (in Spanish)

A medida que las sociedades del mudo envejecen, los gobiernos enfrentan dificultades para asegurar la sostenibilidad de los sistemas de jubilación.  

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Date: Oct 25, 2017

Author(s): El Economista

Publisher: El Economista, Mexico

Senior Citizens: The Workforce of the Future

While 85% of senior citizens in Chile are self-reliant, only a third are actively engaged in paid employment. This situation, in conjunction with the decreasing national birth rate, may affect the number of workers available to fill the jobs that are required for the long-term development of the country. It also poses a challenge to public policymakers and society as a whole regarding the need to create new and improved ways to boost the inclusion of older persons in the labor market.


Date: Sep 15, 2017

Author(s): Claudia Marín

Publisher: AMCHAM Chile

American Men Are Becoming Dads Later Than Ever

The average age of first-time dad’s in the U.S. is now almost 31 years old, according to a new study in Human Reproduction.


Date: Aug 31, 2017

Author(s): Drake Baer

Publisher: Thrive Global

How Good is Chile’s Pension System?

Thirty-five years ago, Chile took what was then a radical step. It decided that, instead of financing pensions out of the social security contributions of the working population, it would oblige its citizens to begin to save for their own retirement.


Date: Oct 06, 2016

Author(s): Ruth Bradley

Publisher: AMCHAM Chile

Seasons of Change

Richard Jackson, founder of the Global Aging Institute says the issue of ageing is affecting most parts of the world, with huge implications on fiscal policy, the economy and the younger generation.

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Date: Oct 2016

Author(s): Amy Braddon

Publisher: Superfunds Magazine

Norway Solved the Gender Problem That’s Creating a Crisis in Japan and Korea

Norway has solved a problem that's plaguing countries ranging from Spain to Italy to South Korea to Japan: babies. Those countries don't have enough kids being born to maintain their populations, and it's turning into high-stakes economic problems.


Date: Feb 04, 2016

Author(s): Drake Baer

Publisher: Business Insider

South Korea’s Gender Problem Could Lead to an Existential Crisis

South Korea has such a low birth rate that it could become the world's oldest country by 2045, with an average age of 50. If things continue at this rate, the country could even go extinct by 2750. All that aging is putting the country into some dire economic straits.Japan has a sex problem. People aren’t having enough sex. Consequently, Japan isn’t having nearly enough kids.


Date: Feb 01, 2016

Author(s): Drake Baer

Publisher: Tech Insider

A Pensions Tragedy Is Foreseen for Mexico (in Spanish)

El Gobierno mexicano se ha retrasado al menos 15 años para corregir su sistema de pensiones, y si no aumenta la contribución a las cuentas individuales, generará una tragedia social, advirtió Richard Jackson, presidente fundador del Instituto Global de Envejecimiento (Global Aging Institute).


Date: Oct 08, 2015

Author(s): Jessika Becerra

Publisher: El Norte, Mexico

Expert Urges Strengthening Mexico’s Pension System to Avoid a Social Catastrophe in the Country (in Spanish)

Para los próximos años, México necesita robustecer su sistema de pensiones y hacerlo más sostenible para evitar una catástrofe social más que económica, debido a que hoy tiene una baja contribución obligatoria, una alta población que envejece sin ahorro y en la informalidad.  Así lo aseguró el presidente del Instituto Global de Envejecimiento, Richard Jackson, quien expuso que más que un riesgo económico, las pensiones podrían generar un problema social.


Date: Oct 07, 2015

Author(s): Publimetro

Publisher: Publimetro, Mexico

The Pension System Could Lead to a Catastrophe (in Spanish)

Aunque los sistemas de pensiones en América Latina son viables, Richard Jackson, presidente fundador del Instituto Global de Envejecimiento advirtió que México sí necesita robustecer el suyo para evitar una catástrofe social derivada de la 'bomba' demográfica.


Date: Oct 07, 2015

Author(s): Yuridia Torres

Publisher: El Financiero, Mexico

Aging: The Current Challenge for Mexico’s Pension System (in Spanish)

Uno de los principales desafíos del país en el sistema de pensiones es el crecimiento acelerado del envejecimiento de la población, comentó Roberto Walker, presidente de Principal International para Latinoamérica.


Date: Oct 07, 2015

Author(s): Elizabeth Albarrán and Juan Tolentino

Publisher: El Economista, Mexico

Life Expectancy is Putting Pressure on Pensions (in Spanish)

Si los países emergentes quieren mantener sin cambio la edad de jubilación, es urgente que incrementen la contribución que hacen los trabajadores, empresas y Gobierno a las pensiones, anticipa un estudio de Global Aging Institute (GAI).


Date: Oct 06, 2015

Author(s): Jessika Becerra

Publisher: Reforma, Mexico

The Aging of the Population: A Factor on the Global Stage (in Slovenian)

Ko je Nemcija med begunsko krizo napovedala, da bo na leto sprejela do pol milijona ljudi, to ni bila (samo) poteza, ki je evropskega financnega policista skoraj cez noc spremenila v najvecjega evropskega humanitarca.


Date: Oct 03, 2015

Author(s): Andrej Brstovek

Publisher: Slovenian Daily

90 Percent of Filipino Workers Worry about Being Poor upon Retirement

Ninety percent of working Filipinos worry about being poor and in need of money upon retirement—this is one of the key findings from a major study on retirement attitudes and expectations in East Asia conducted by The Global Aging Institute (GAI), in partnership with Pru Life UK regional headquarters Prudential Corp. Asia.


Date: Sep 29, 2015

Author(s): Business Mirror

Publisher: Business Mirror, Philippines

Philippines: 1 in 3 Workers Lack Retirement Protection

One-third of today’s Filipino workers expect to get no retirement benefits of any kind when they retire, according to a retirement survey carried out in 10 economies in Asia.


Date: Sep 29, 2015

Author(s): Asia Insurance Review

Publisher: Asia Insurance Review

People Here Want a Higher Retirement Age

Governments in much of the world face the daunting prospect of fierce opposition to raising retirement ages, but in Asia, much of the population wants to see increases.


Date: Sep 28, 2015

Author(s): Leslie Shaffer

Publisher: CNBC, Asia

Workers “Expect Big Fall in Income after Retiring”

Nearly three in 10 Singapore workers expect to receive “a lot less income” in retirement than they do today, according to a new survey. Many workers also expect to rely less on family members for retirement support, according to the survey on retirement attitudes.


Date: Sep 20, 2015

Author(s): Jeremy Koh

Publisher: Straits Times, Singapore

Brazil Is Aging before It Has Guaranteed Retirement Security for the Old (in Portuguese)

É urgente que o Brasil implemente as reformas necessárias para reduzir as desigualdades sociais e, assim, começar a implementar um sistema previdenciário que irá sobreviver no longo prazo. Esse foi o recado dado por Richard Jackson, presidente do Global Aging Institute (GAI), em sua palestra “Envelhecimento Global e Aposentadoria em Países Emergentes”, na 7ª Conseguro.


Date: Sep 17, 2015

Author(s): CNseg, Brazil

Publisher: CNseg, Brazil

Expert Discusses Longevity and Retirement Security in Emerging Markets (in Portuguese)

Um dos mais respeitados especialistas do mundo em demografia e geopolítica no século 21 vem ao Brasil a convite do acionista americano da Brasilprev Seguros e Previdência – o Principal Financial Group – para apresentar um estudo do qual ele é coautor, intitulado “O Envelhecimento Global e a Segurança Previdenciária nas Economias Emergentes.” Trata-se de Richard Jackson, fundador e presidente do Global Aging Institute (GAI), uma organização de pesquisa e educação sem fins lucrativos, dedicada ao crescimento do entendimento da economia, da sociedade e dos desafios geopolíticos criados pela mudança demográfica. 


Date: Sep 17, 2015

Author(s): Revista Segurador Brasil

Publisher: Revista Segurador Brasil

An International Expert Criticizes the Prohibition on Foreign Investment by Brazil’s Open Pension Funds (in Portuguese)

Na medida em que o Brasil envelhece, a taxa de retorno sobre o capital vai diminuindo, então é muito importante ter condições de investir em países jovens que estão crescendo mais rápido. Essa é a opinião de Richard Jackson, fundador e presidente do Global Aging Institute (GAI), uma organização de pesquisa focada em questões econômicas, sociais e demográficas.


Date: Sep 15, 2015

Author(s): Investidor Institucional

Publisher: Investidor Institucional, Brazil

Singapore’s Income/Retirement Gap among Biggest in Asia

Singapore’s workers are anxious about their retirement prospects, and concerned that their existing planned retirement income can replace only a small share of their pre-retirement income, according to a study on retirement attitudes and expectations in East Asia.


Date: Sep 15, 2015

Author(s): The Wealth Forums

Publisher: The Wealth Forums, Singapore

How Singaporeans Feel about Retirement

Singaporean workers are anxious about their retirement prospects, according to a study released on Monday (Sept 14). But the majority reject the notion that family members should be primarily responsible for providing for the elderly, stated the survey by Global Aging Institute (GAI) and insurer Prudential Corporation Asia.


Date: Sep 15, 2015

Author(s): The New Paper Online

Publisher: The New Paper Online, Singapore

Most Singaporeans Favour Individual Responsibility for Retirement Income: Survey

Singaporean workers today are anxious about their retirement prospects, and concerned that their existing planned retirement income can replace only a small share of their pre-retirement income, according to a study on retirement attitudes and expectations in East Asia.


Date: Sep 14, 2015

Author(s): Mindy Tan

Publisher: The Business Times, Singapore

Singaporean Retirees Highly Dependent on Financial Support from Grown Kids: Report

Despite Singapore’s strong retirement framework, majority of elderly Singaporeans still rely on their grown children for support during their retirement years. A survey by the Global Aging Institute and Prudential showed that seventy percent of today’s retirees report living with their grown children, while 29 percent report that they depend on them financially.


Date: Sep 14, 2015

Author(s): Singapore Business Review

Publisher: Singapore Business Review

Slog or Suffer

The living standard of an elderly Malaysian household is lower than in most East Asian countries and yet, we want to retire early. This is the shocking result of the latest East Asia Retirement Survey, Global Aging Institute founder and president Richard Jackson tells Sunday Star.


Date: Sep 13, 2015

Author(s): Christina Chin

Publisher: The Star Online, Malaysia

Workers Unsure of Future after Retirement: Survey

About 95 per cent of Vietnamese labourers are worried about poverty and having insufficient funds once retired, according to a recent survey by the Global Aging Institute (GAI) in collaboration with Prudential Corporation Asia.


Date: Sep 10, 2015

Author(s): Viet Nam News

Publisher: Viet Nam News

Conference Hears Concerns over Aging Population

On the afternoon of September 8 a conference on future retirement trends was held to discuss the issues arising from an aging population in Vietnam and elsewhere in East Asia and to make suggestions on how these may be overcome. Prudential Vietnam and the Global Aging Institute (GAI) organized the conference, attended by representatives from the United Nations Population Fund and the Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs (MoLISA).


Date: Sep 09, 2015

Author(s): Hung Khanh

Publisher: Vietnam Economic Times

Asia: GAI-Prudential Survey Reveals “Tectonic Shift” in Retirement Attitudes and Expectations

Citizens almost everywhere in East Asia are highly concerned about their retirement security, and are eager to improve their retirement preparedness, according to findings from a study on retirement attitudes and expectations in the region, conducted by the Global Aging Institute (GAI), in partnership with Prudential Corporation Asia.


Date: Sep 07, 2015

Author(s): Asia Insurance Review

Publisher: Asia Insurance Review

Asian Countries See Decline in Family Support for the Aged

Asians increasingly think retirement should be funded by the individual, a departure from the traditional view that the elderly should be cared for by the family, according to survey data released on Friday.


Date: Sep 04, 2015

Author(s): Asia Times

Publisher: Asia Times, Hong Kong

Society Supports Government Reform of Retirement Savings (in Indonesian)

Berdasarkan survei Global Aging Institute (GAI) dan Prudential Corporation Asia, masyarakat di Asia Timur, termasuk Indonesia, mendukung reformasi simpanan masa pensiun meskipun harus melakukan pengorbanan pribadi.


Date: Sep 03, 2015

Author(s): Antara News

Publisher: Antara News, Indonesia

Awareness of Retirement Savings Needs Must Be Improved (in Indonesian)

Global Aging Institute (GAI) menyatakan sebanyak 45% orang Indonesia berharap ada pertanggungjawaban dari pemerintah terkait dana pensiun mereka kelak. Padahal, saat ini ada sebanyak 53% masyarakat Indonesia berusia produktif yang berekspetasi memperoleh pendapatan dari produk lembaga jasa keuangan.


Date: Sep 02, 2015

Author(s): Devie Kania

Publisher:, Indonesia

New Study: Funded Pension Systems Will Generate Better Pensions Than Pay-As-You-Go Ones (in Spanish)

El envejecimiento de la población en el mundo elevará la ventaja relativa de los sistemas previsionales basados en la capitalización individual, como el chileno. Esa es la principal conclusión de un estudio sobre envejecimiento y pensiones en países emergentes que ayer presentó Richard Jackson, uno de sus autores y presidente del Global Aging Institute, en un foro de la Cámara Chileno Norteamericana de Comercio (Amcham Chile).


Date: Aug 13, 2015

Author(s): Claudio Reyes

Publisher: La Tercera, Chile

Jackson: The Pension Contribution Rate in Chile Should Be 15% (in Spanish)

El presidente del Global Aging Institute (GAI) destacó la importancia de contar con ahorro previsional. Hacer frente al envejecimiento progresivo de la población se ha transformado en uno de los desafíos más relevantes para los sistemas previsionales a lo largo del mundo.


Date: Aug 13, 2015

Author(s): Pulso

Publisher: Pulso, Chile

Expert Recommendations to Improve the Pension System (in Spanish)

Durante el seminario organizado por la Cámara Chilena Norteamericana de Comercio, el experto internacional en pensiones y presidente del Global Aging Institute, Richard Jackson, manifestó que volver al sistema antiguo de reparto sería un error.


Date: Aug 12, 2015

Author(s): CNN Chile

Publisher: CNN Chile